Thursday, February 09, 2006

I went on a drive last night and got lost in a town called Rancho Santa Fe, which is less a town than a colony of really really really big houses for rich people. Well, I couldn't see them. It was dark. But based on their driveway gates, they're big.

When I found my way out, there was a movie theatre. I stopped and watched a movie. Brokeback Mountain, since I hadn't seen it. I was disappointed, and at first wasn't sure whether it was because I had waited too long to see it--no way it could live up to the buzz--or because it actually wasn't that good.

It wasn't that good.

As a movie, it was good--very pretty, well done, good acting, etc. But as a story--it was lacking. I'm not so sure that Ang Lee should have been so true to the original.

Okay I was going to analyze it but I'm not in the mood. Woof. But sure, let it win an Oscar so everyone and their Mom starts producing movies about the gays--maybe one of them will be good.